
the topic is about get funds for your own game as far as i understood and i highly recomend you not to do, because its not easy selling your ready made game

I have to strongly disagree with this advice.

You are confusing making a profit with raising capital.
Selling a game can make you profits. But making a game requires capital.

There is simply no aspect of game development that will not benefit from having some capital behind it period.

Then again, if your arguement is that you shouldn't take any money because you are unlikely to make any money, then you're right. But this is the distinguishes a hobbiest and a professional IMO. It's not the skill or the knowledge but where you want your game to go and how many people you want to see it. A hobbiest only makes games to be seen by themselves and a few others so yeah, it makes sense not to dump a whole bunch of money into it. A professional wants their game to be seen by as many people as possible and hence will dump money into their game to have it make the best possible showing.


meaning the publisher has zero!!! risk at all and zero!!! money to put in compared to other projects.

I also want to correct you on this notion. The publisher is taking a HUGE risk with you. They will have to put money up for distribution and publishing; for advertising and marketing. And even if they don't do any of that (in which case why bother!), they are taking a risk with who you are. If your game sucks, this will reflect on the publisher. They won't say "Oh that Ulf makes horrible games! I'll never buy from him again!" No, they will say "Oh that publisher puts out horrible games! I'll never buy from them again!"

This is the risk you take with self-publishing. The author and the publisher are the same and thus you are risking your reputation with the public when you do this. Publishing errors that have nothing to do with your game (like games not devlivered or e-commerce site is down) will reflect negatively on you as a game designer and again hurt your reputation.

EDIT: Washington DC == $$, but changed anyway Jetpack.

Last edited by fastlane69; 04/20/07 19:55.