The boostrap method is not really possible, or at least I am not finding it to be.

As I do not program, it would be immensely difficult to prototype even. Rest assured, though, if I could, this would not even be a discussion, lol.

My specific item requires a comparatively small amount (roundabout 20k.. 25 at most), most of which development costs.. that I based on the last time I went scouting for developers. It's a small amount compared to what it will generate (it has a target revenue that it either will or wont hit to completion by end of term), but it's an amount that would have to come from a loan of some type, most likely.

Why couldn't I boostrap? Well, mostly because I don't have all the skills needed to do so, and I've never heard of anyone that does, who would do even prototype level working for free.. or even cheaply. Almost everyone's mercinary, busy with a project, or both.

I wish that was the case, though. Then maybe I could boostrap it enough to build something that visually demonstrates the design, so that I could either sell SkySpace or acquire the funds to put it all the way to manifest myself ( which I'd much prefer).

I have, however, come to the conclusion that that isnt.

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