
As I do not program, it would be immensely difficult to prototype even.

A small prototype doesn't just have to be a small 3DGS mockup.
It can be many things:

It can be a pen-and-paper game that shows your gameplay.
It can be a storyboard showing how your game flows.
It can be a game design document with enough detail to "show" the game.
It can be a choose-your-own adventure book that showcases your idea and game.


Why couldn't I boostrap? Well, mostly because I don't have all the skills needed to do so,

But the bottom line my friend is that if you are serious about this, then, by your own words, you would learn how to program. Otherwise you just aren't serious about this. I know this sounds harsh but if programming is the obsticle and programming on a game engine meant for 15 year olds is just not for you, then one has to wonder just how much you want to release this.

Do you think I wanted to learn about networking, about server communication, about client side prediction in my quest to make my game? That I wanted to spend the last five years finding out about project management and business mangement and business practices and legal issues in game design? Don't you think I wouldn't have been a lot happier telling someone about my great idea, about how it's a "sure bet" and how it would make tons of money, so they could pay for it entirely? Of course I would! Who wouldn't! Hell, I tried and failed and that is where I learned about where the money comes from and where it goes. Nobody invests in ideas or un-validated claims of how much money my idea will make. No, they only invest in experience and effort.

Now it's up to you to demonstrate that you can put forth the effort to make it worth someones 25k USD. Now it's up to you to prove that you have the experience to manage that money well. Otherwise, why would they give you the money? Why would they risk their money on someone with no experience and no effort?

Bottom Line: If you're not willing to take the hard road to raising money, a road which is lengthy, risky, and a road that may lead to no where, then you will NEVER get the money. If on the other hand you are willing to sacrifice because your baby must be born, it just MUST, then you will do everything for that baby... you will bleed and suffer and work and learn until you can finally, incrementally, see that baby be born. And then, and only then, will people come up and say "What a beautiful baby! Here is some money for it's college fund."