If you want to prove your self-esteem is at 'healthy levels' you can select more relevant questions: Does 'god' believe in me? Does god worship at my temples?
An author may imply god is male or female. So evidently god has sex organs? (Ok, so that might mean that in some languages a pencil might have a penis. Perhaps, some labeling is just as flawed as my logic.) But the very same author may suggest that god is ominpotent and dee root node, the source of all creation. Like a mentally challenged child I ask: If god has sex organs, why?
If you like, you can claim that your penis is larger than NULL, ...larger than god's. You can even feel good about it, if that suites your fancy. Really, when is god going to 'whip it out' and prove otherwise.

Aren't you important and special? Isn't everyone important and special? Do you believe in god? Pishawww. God should have faith in you. Praise you!
The distinguished Captain Planet put it rather well: "The power is yours!!!"

Disclaimer: There is no indication that Anthony Robbins endorses any statement this post. However Zig Zigler may endorse some statements in this post, 'postmortem'. While vacationing in hell, I asked A. Crowley personally, and seemingly, he endorses everything in this post.