I hope you don't mind , but I'd like to comment a bit on your view.

You seem to assume there's no such thing as infinity then, when I understand correctly? Because when something does exist, you seem to assume it wasn't always there. It's certain the universe has been different from what it's now, but it's not certain that it wasn't always around already, although very different. I think ultimately our problem is time, someone should really design a time-machine (if possible at all ) so we can figure out certain things.

I'm not attacking your view, but it really seems to me you are thinking a bit like this; "because we don't know, it or there has to be God, because God gives a purpose". Actually, when I'm thinking about it, that's circular reasoning, exchanging one uncertainty for another to explain both, mmm,

Just my thoughts there though,


im not an atheist.
im an agnostic...

the difference is, that atheists know that they belive nothing and agnostics belive that they know nothing...

and this thread is not useless at all, since I wanted to know why people belive what they belive. i dont want to change opinions, i want to know opinions...

Agnostics usually say you can't possibly know if there is a God or not. Atheists believe there can't be a God.

If people say a lack of evidence is no evidence for the contrary, then I must admit that's probably right when it comes to logic. However, in reality you can't know if thát's right. What you definitely can not do based on that lack of evidence, is claim that something does exist. Personally I'm pretty sure God can't exist, because of it's artificial and 'supernatural' definition,


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