@why do i die
why do you even talk sometimes? the sphere engine is nothing compared to other engines, does it include any kind of culling no, does it have any systems to reduce quality for slow and old computers? no, do it have its own collision detection? no, you have to have at least comm to use it which is 200, matt didnt make the sound collision entity management, or networking features,or physics or any of that. on top of that, where are his editors that make a good content creation pipeline? wait no he didnt create them did he! whoa what a revelation, they are all dont by conitec, and the content creation pipeline for 3dgs is a little slow, because its indie priced. dont get me wrong matts a great person, but you just cant compare sphere to a whole engine or to especially any next gen engines. which by the way, paul l ming didnt say PO was offering it for a million or a couple hundred k, he said 1k-2k, which is an incedible price for this engine, its about the same price as 1 computer than can actually run any games made with it so if you want to do great work on a free or under $100 price then do it yourself because your not going to be getting hand outs