
Another person that had a great number of things to say was one of my favorite authors, Donald Miller. I saw him last fall for a talk he gave, followed by a book signing; he talked about how "free market economy" had been infiltrating everything in society. Sounds a like an odd way to start talking about God. Then he asked the question,"How many of you have heard that Jesus would fix all your problems?" Everyone raised their hands. Then he asked, "Is there anyone here that doesn't have any problems?" Noone raised their hand. Even Christianity is being marketed, "Jesus will fix your problems, Jesus will make you happy" just like a new car will make your happy, or a new cleaning solution for your kitchen will fix all your family's problems and everyone will walk around with smiles on their faces (you know you've seen the commercials). That's advertising, sell people things saying they will fix all kinds of problems that aren't even related to the product. The he made his point "Jesus is one shitty product." Silence. "Face it, he isn't a cure-all, he isn't a magic product that fixes all of life's problems. In fact, he said that the road would be hard. He never said it was a cake walk." Jesus can't be marketed, he can't be sold. He isn't a product. He's the solution to a gap man created between themselves and God, not a genie. This doesn't mean Jesus won't fix those problems, that he won't help you overcome obstacles put in front of you, but that isn't his first concern. His first concern is loving you, you loving Him, and Him taking you to a life of eternity with Him. Christianity isn't a utopia, it's more like the front-line of a war. You may be persecuted, you will be misunderstood, you'll be ridiculed, and so on.

Yeah, that's mainly why I don't like organized religion, or at least why I don't like churches. What's that famous quote again? I think it was:

"How much money does Jesus need anyways, I thought he was in the saving business?"

Pretty much enough said, I agree that it's about what you believe in, not what you do. Some are physically limited in what they can do, so it would be unfair in respect to this equal love. Or does Jesus love some more than others?


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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