

This is a double-edged question, really. Do I feel I do? Definitely not. Do I try? Yes.


I'm not going to necessarily condemn those who try to be the "best Christian," mostly because I can't really know

You contradict yourself, in one post you say you try, in the next you say have to would not condemn those who "try".

I never said I try to be the "best Christian" (in the context of a competition is how I meant that). I try to do the best with what I am given.

My point is this: Yes, I sin. So do you. It's there. It isn't that I don't work on these things, it's that I choose to focus firstly on the relationship I have with Christ, secondly with working on those things which bring others down, and lastly on my own inner struggles. What I said above is where I am at. I'm not perfect, but I'm working towards being the best I can. My opinion is, so what? I sin. I can be honest about it. I don't try to hide it or cover it up. Everyone knows that noone can be perfect, and trying to pretend like you aren't an imperfect human being to someone you are trying to "convert" or whatever is trying to sell something more than what you really are. You're trying to sell perfection, when you yourself are not perfect. If I witness to someone, I start by telling them that I'm the same as them- I screw up, I am far from perfect myself. Then I listen and hear where they are coming from. I'm not going to condemn them for it because it doesn't matter if they change their ways, it only matters if they give their life to Christ in the end. That isn't my decision to make, all I can do is present it. If they don't accept, fine. It's their decision, the blood is off of my hands. BUT- that doesn't mean I'm going to abandon them. I will still be there as a friend to be there to listen when they need it, regardless of their decision- and I may never even bring the subject up again.

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