
never said I try to be the "best Christian" (in the context of a competition is how I meant that). I try to do the best with what I am given.

oh ok, I understand now, it just sounds weird to me that kinji and lostclimate, yourself and some others here seem to bash all the other Christians for a)either being too legalistic or competitive b)not being legalistic enough and when I try to find the truth between the two viewpoints the only thing that matters to me is thus:


that I choose to focus firstly on the relationship I have with Christ

Which I agree with 100%. However, if you say you care about Jesus, how can you hate other Christians? Especially since Jesus is supposed to be living in the hearts of those who believe? Im not saying your a hater, Im not saying anyone is, but if you more concerned whether someone in the world is gonna get their toes stepped on because you live a good life, are you going to change your ways just to make them happy? If Im trying to let people know the love of Christ is for those who have abortions should I have my wife have an abortion just so that I can show them that I can relate? Or should I all of a sudden say that abortion is ok because I dont want to hurt anyone's feelings? I dont believe so, I believe abortion is murder, I will never stop beliveing that, I would always call a spade a spade. I think homosexuality is perverse, I think sex before marriage is profane, I think alcohol is a killer, I think some swearing is blasphemous, and the list goes on. Do I hate you if you do something which is a sim against the Bible? No. But I will never say that these things are ok just because "I dont want to judge" , if I did that it would be a compromise and one thing the world does not need to see is more Christians make compromises, thats my two cents.

Just yesterday my neighbor got hauled away in a police car for beating his wife, of which his six year old testified to the police officer. The guy drank lots of alcohol which caused him to hurt her. Do I hate the guy? No.(but its a close one) But I do hate violence like that, and I hate what divorce and alcoholism does to families. (Dont get me started on divorce Ill never stop)