
oh ok, I understand now, it just sounds weird to me that kinji and lostclimate, yourself and some others here seem to bash all the other Christians

As always I respect you but I do disagree with your reply. I do not bash all other Christians. I simply look at "us" and compare to what the Bible teaches. I find that we do not live up to the standards of holiness. Is that bad to say? To follow Christ is to follow Him. Remember the rich guy that followed the commandments but could not give up the other things he owned? There is simply a reality check for me and you and those who claim to be Christians.

Those people who claim to be Christians that do not follow simple things such as the commandments, prayer daily, fasting, those who are filled with pride, those who believe sin is ok after the Holy Ghost as entered them, those that take pride in tongues and other spiritual gifts yet they do not at all remember the letter from Paul to the Corinthinans. This is the type of Christians that I am talking about. We make the excuse.. "we all sin". We are commanded to go and sin not. I just dont get it. How can we as so called Christians except a life where sin is ok and dubbed as a mistake on a daily basis? I am speaking of you and I so there is no thoughts of me bashing others without first looking into my own heart.

Sorry if I come off rude or as a bashing type. I was raised in a tongue talking church that believed in spiritual gifts.. holiness was the utmost goal. We grew up in long sleeve shirts, long pants, no shorts, no television, no worldly music and so on. Close study of the Bible now shows me that even that may not be enough. Love God? I did. Try to do good. Of course I tried. Growing up in a life such as that.. talking in the unknown tongue, loving God.. it was not enough. A Christian is commanded to live a holy life without the love of the world. Most of us spend more time doing things that the flesh likes.. watching tv, programming, sports, the internet and so on. You think the golden calf was a temptation? Look around and see who bows to what. I dare any Christian here to do the math on a 24 hour period. What do you do during a day? Does God take up most of that time? I am guilty as are you. The difference is that I am searching for Truth not assuming that what I have found is Truth. God Bless you and I hope you find the way. Pray for eye-salve.

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