Personally I do not quite see how this links up to a predestined we-will-sin-whether-we-like-it-or-not though and hey if it does, we can simply blame God, after all he's the one that made us in his image, right?


Perhaps we think we are so smart, but are sooo dumb?

Some people think they are so smart indeed, but in reality aren't very smart at all, they just have their huge egos, perhaps read some books and quote what they've read as if they had thought of it themselves.

Anyways, I think intelligence is almost irrelevant when it comes to being able to live your life in a good way though. Are 'sinners' always the dumbest persons? No, there's a whole variety of people doing bad things, both smart and dumb,


"for God so loved the world, he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life"

Small question, in who should we believe? In God or Jesus?


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