
because apparently he was preaching racism, division and hatred.

Apparent to who? I see division perhaps, but no hatred and racism. You think Christians are racists? There is nothing in what he said that could be interpreted as racism, either that or you dont know what racism is. I think you are misunderstanding his statements. Nobody ever convicted Falwell of racism, no black leaders indicted him. Falwell being a racist was never an issue in America. There no group of liberals who want to say that he was racist for their own political purposes, show me any sort of organized opinion about Falwell's racism and hatred...

As I said before, if you think that his statements are racist, then obviously you think that thousands of Christians are racists because there are many many Christians which agree with those statements.

If he were a racist there would have been books written about it, testimony spread by someone,proof somewhere but there was nothing of the kind.

The man was not a racist, he simply said that homosexuals shouldnt be given minority status because they werent God-ordained minorities, meaning that they werent born gay. Like a black, hispanic or woman is born that way, in that way they are God-ordained, because you cant help what God made you. I assuming this is your alleged racist statement, however it is a gross misinterpretation of the man's words, and to say that he was racist because of it is slanderous.

You might get away with such statements on an internet forum, but in Washington, in American courts, and in the eyes of most Americans, you cant just twist someone's words around and then hope everyone expects that it will be taken as a racist statement.


On 9/11: "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularise America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen'."

This also is not racist, but has universal import, lesbians, pagans, etc, can be of any race, Falwell was condemning groups that have ruined our society, not based upon their God ordained race, but upon the personal choices gthey have made in their lives.

Let me help you understand what racism is, since you cannot seem to understand it. Racism is hatred directed at another based upon something they are from birth, not based upon the choices they make. You are German right? So if someone hates you just because you are German, THAT is racism, THAT is hatred. You cant help it, you were born that way, and people hate you for that reason alone is not fair.

Now I dont think that hate is good for any reason, even if the people have made moral choices, and I dont think Falwell propagated hatred, and while you can speculate and make false assumptions based upon his words, those are only biased speculation. You are morally wrong to make statements and assumptions about other people without understanding their own intentions.


that mainstream Christians in the US are misled by people like him,

you dont listen very good do you. I just got finished TWICE saying that he didnt lead Christians, he only represented them. We never needed Falwell to tell us what was right and wrong, Falwell only echoed what we believed. Now either you believe what Im saying is true or your calling me a liar. Falwell propagated not much of anything, he was just a figure head,...a poster boy if you will. He took the blame for fundy Christians in general.