This should be, what you are looking for aztec:


define EventString_count, 3; //Number of instructions

font font_EventInput = "arial",1,20;
string str_EventInput;

text txt_EventInput
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = 0;
layer = 15;
font = font_EventInput;
strings = 2;
string = "Instruction: ",str_EventInput;

text txt_EventInput_strings
strings = EventString_count;
string = "help","talk","trade"; //these are the posible instructions

function func_CompareStrings(StringIn) //Compare the strings
var counter;
while(counter < EventString_count)
counter += 1;

function func_EventInput(PosX,PosY)
var InkeyReturn;
var InstructionID;

txt_EventInput.Pos_x = PosX;
txt_EventInput.Pos_y = PosY;

txt_EventInput.visible = on;

InkeyReturn = inkey(str_EventInput);
if(1 < InkeyReturn < 27)
InstructionID = func_CompareStrings(str_EventInput);

txt_EventInput.visible = off;

if(InstructionID == 0) //if the input was help,
wait(1); //do something
if(InstructionID == 1) //if the input was talk,
wait(1); //do something
if(InstructionID == 2) //if the input was trade,
wait(1); //do something

function func_MdlEventInput_event()
if(event_type == event_click)
func_EventInput(mouse_pos.x,mouse_pos.y); //Place the text at the mouse position

action func_MdlEventInput() //Example Action
my.enable_click = on;
my.event = func_MdlEventInput_event;