Slin, here is what i did, doesnt work. no errors though.

 ifndef plBiped_wdl;
define plBiped_wdl;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ver: 5.0
// engineReq: 6.4
// date: 061011
// title: Biped Player (01)
// class: PLAYER
// type: USER
// image: plBiped01.pcx
// help: Action to attach to a "biped model" that you want the player to control.
// note: You can only have one PlBiped in your level.
// needs: gid01.wdl
// needs: plSelect.wdl, cameraTarget.wdl
// needs: miscInput01.wdl, plBipedInput01.wdl
// needs: bipedPhy01.wdl,
// needs: bipedAnim01.wdl, bipedSnd01.wdl
// external: plSelect::plSelect_curr_model, ++++++++
// prefix: plBiped01_
// idcode: 012
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// entry: ID
// help: Identification number for this player model (used in plSelect)
// help: NOTE: Action not defined if two player models share a single value
// id: 1
define plBiped01_id = 1;

// entry: "Head" offset vector
// help: Distance between model center and the 'head' of the player
// help: Used for camera view.
// id: 2
var plBiped01_head_offset_vec[3] = 0,0,33;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// section: Activation Scan Segment

// entry: Width
// help: Horizontal width of the activate segment
// id: 3
define plBiped01_activate_scan_horz_width = 60;
// entry: Height
// help: Vertical height of the activate segment
// id: 4
define plBiped01_activate_scan_vert_width = 60;
// entry: Range
// help: Range of activate scan
// id: 5
define plBiped01_activate_scan_range = 100;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// section: Health and Armor Limits

// entry: Max Health
// help: Player can not have more health then this.
// id: 7
define plBiped01_max_health = 100;

// entry: Max Armor
// help: Player can not have more armor then this.
// id: 8
define plBiped01_max_armor = 100;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// section: Damage

// enable: Display Damage panel?
// id: 10

// entry: Damage Bitmap
// help: Displayed for a brief time when player takes damage
// id: 9
bmap plBiped01_danage_map = <bloodhit.tga>;
panel plBiped01_damage_pan { bmap = plBiped01_danage_map; layer = 98; flags = refresh, d3d, transparent; }

// Desc: Display damage panel for a brief time

function Shield()
my.passable = on;
my.transparent = on; = 0; = 0; = 255;
my.light = on;

you = my.parent;

var MaxEnergy;
MaxEnergy = my.skill1;

var Temp1;


if(you.skill2 > 0){my.skill1 += min(my.skill1+you.skill2,MaxEnergy); you.skill2 = 0;}
if(you.skill1 < 100 && my.skill1 > 0)
my.alpha = my.skill2;
Temp1 = min(my.skill1,100-you.skill1);
my.skill1 -= Temp1;
you.skill1 += Temp1;
if(my.alpha > 0){my.alpha -= time_step;}
you = my.parent;
string keisha1_mdl = <keisha1.mdl>;
function Shield_Activate(Pointer,ShieldEnergy,ShieldAlpha,ShieldScale)
you = Pointer;

you = ent_create(keisha1_mdl,nullvector,Shield);
you.parent = Pointer;
you.skill1 = ShieldEnergy;
you.skill2 = ShieldAlpha;
you.skill3 = ShieldScale;
function PlBiped_Display_Damage()
if(plBiped01_damage_pan.visible == off)
plBiped01_damage_pan.visible = on;
plBiped01_damage_pan.scale_x = (screen_size.x/bmap_width(plBiped01_danage_map));
plBiped01_damage_pan.scale_y = (screen_size.y/bmap_height(plBiped01_danage_map));
plBiped01_damage_pan.pos_x = 0;
plBiped01_damage_pan.pos_y = 0;
plBiped01_damage_pan.alpha = 75;
while(plBiped01_damage_pan.alpha > 10)
plBiped01_damage_pan.alpha - = 10 * time_step;
plBiped01_damage_pan.visible = off;

// Desc: React to damage taken (sound, blood, etc.)
function PlBiped_Damage_Reaction()


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// section: Death

// entry: Death Bitmap
// help: This is the bmp the screen will fade to on death.
// id: 6
bmap plBiped01_death_bmp = <gigmov.tga>;
panel plBiped01_death_pan { bmap = plBiped01_death_bmp; layer = 99; flags = refresh,d3d; }

// head angle. used for when view angle changes independently of the player angle
var plBiped01_head_ang_vec[3];

// pointer to the biped entity
entity* plBiped01_entity;

// forces taking from player input
var plBiped01_force_vec[3]; // x,y,z forces
var plBiped01_ang_force_vec[3]; // pan,tile,roll forces
var plBiped01_flag_array[3]; // 48 bit-encoded flags (used for various actions)

// Local Function Prototypes
function PlBiped01_Activate(); // activate the biped model
function PlBiped01_Deactivate(); // deactivate the biped model
function PlBiped01_Update(); // update mode (call once per frame while active)
function PlBiped_Death(); // handle death

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Desc: Check to make sure limits are not being exceeded.
function PlBiped01_CheckLimits()
if(plBiped01_entity._health__003 > plBiped01_max_health) { plBiped01_entity._health__003 = plBiped01_max_health; }
if(plBiped01_entity._armor__003 > plBiped01_max_armor) { plBiped01_entity._armor__003 = plBiped01_max_armor; }

// Desc: Initialize the starting values, add biped model to plSelect list,
// and execute the main update loop.
function PlBiped01_Init()
var updated_b; // has the model been update yet this frame?
var bit_check; // bit-field check value

// wait until we have a valid player biped...
while(plBiped01_entity == null)


// init bit-field value used to check to see if this model is active
bit_check = 1<<plBiped01_id;

// increase the player select "max_model" value if this value fall outside the current range
if(bit_check > plSelect_max_model)
{ plSelect_max_model = bit_check; }

// add this model type to the collection of valid model types in player select
plSelect_valid_models |= bit_check;

// only act if we have a valid entity...
if(plBiped01_entity != null)
updated_b = 0; // model hasn't been updated yet this frame

// if we are the active model
if(plBiped01_id == plSelect_curr_model)
// Activate the biped model

// while this model is active...
while(plBiped01_id == plSelect_curr_model)
if(gid01_level_state == gid01_level_loaded)
if(my._health__003 > 0)
// Update the biped model
plSelect_state = plSelect_state_active; // player is active
// handle death
plSelect_state = plSelect_state_dead; // player is dead

// Update the camera target
cameraTarget_ent = plBiped01_entity;
if(my._biped01_state == biped01_state_duck_const)
cameraTarget_pos_vec.z -= my._duck_height__003;
diag("\nPlayer Biped is waiting...");


// Deactivate the biped model

wait(1); // every frame


// Desc: update the head angle depending on vector
function PlBiped01_Head_Update(&ang_vec)
// Limits
if(plBiped01_head_ang_vec.tilt > 85) { plBiped01_head_ang_vec.tilt = 85; }
if(plBiped01_head_ang_vec.tilt < -85) { plBiped01_head_ang_vec.tilt = -85; }

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Desc: activate the biped model
function PlBiped01_Activate()
// set the player select current entity to this biped entity
plSelect_curr_ent = plBiped01_entity;

// make sure they are visible
plBiped01_entity.invisible = off;
plBiped01_entity.passable = off;


// Desc: deactivate the biped model
function PlBiped01_Deactivate()
// hide the player biped
plBiped01_entity.invisible = on;
plBiped01_entity.passable = on;

//++ToDo: make this optional

// Desc: fade the camera to black (Simulating death)
function PlBiped_Death()
// only enter once
// note: this works because the state is set after this call!
if(plSelect_state == plSelect_state_dead) { return; }

plBiped01_death_pan.scale_x = (screen_size.x/bmap_width(plBiped01_death_bmp));
plBiped01_death_pan.scale_y = (screen_size.y/bmap_height(plBiped01_death_bmp));
plBiped01_death_pan.pos_x = 0;
plBiped01_death_pan.pos_y = 0;
plBiped01_death_pan.visible = on;
wait(1); // NOTE: We need this wait because plSelect_state_dead is not set until after this function is called
while(plSelect_state == plSelect_state_dead)

// we should reach here only if the player heath is > 0
plBiped01_death_pan.visible = off;

// Desc: update mode (call once per frame while active)
function PlBiped01_Update()
// this function modifies/reads the current player biped entity
my = plBiped01_entity;

// Get player input

// handle headmovement (use 'tilt' from player input

// scale rotation and linear input by the force modifiers
if(0 == plBipedInput01_mouse_look_q) // not using mouse look...
if(0 == mouse_moving) // ..and mouse not moving
plBiped01_ang_force_vec.pan *= my._max_ang_force_pan__003 * time_step;
plBiped01_ang_force_vec.tilt = 0; // do not use tilt from player input to handle biped movement
plBiped01_ang_force_vec.roll = 0; // do not use roll from player input to handle biped movement
plBiped01_force_vec.x *= my._max_force_x__003;
plBiped01_force_vec.y *= my._max_force_y__003;
plBiped01_force_vec.z *= my._max_force_y__003;

// Send forces/flags to biped01 update (which will handle physics, animation, and sound)
BipedPhy01_Update(plBiped01_force_vec, plBiped01_ang_force_vec.pan);

// Handle player specific results from biped update
if(my._biped01_state2_mod == biped01_state_mod_damage_const)
// handle any damage from biped update (falling, crushing, etc)
my._health__003 -= my._biped01_state2_mod_value; // take damage (bipass armor)
my._biped01_state2_mod = biped01_state2_mod_none_const; // reset flag

// Handle drowning damage
if(my._biped01_state_mod == biped01_state_mod_drown_const)
// handle any damage from drowning (time based)
my._health__003 -= bipedPhy01_drowning_damage_const*time_step;

// Check flags

// Activation scan?
if(plBiped01_flag_array[0] & plBipedInput01_flag0_activate)
gid01_event_type = gid01_event_scan_activate;
else // or passive scan?
gid01_event_type = gid01_event_scan_passive;
temp[0] = plBiped01_activate_scan_horz_width;
temp[1] = plBiped01_activate_scan_vert_width;
temp[2] = plBiped01_activate_scan_range;
if(1 == cameraTarget_avatar_view_q )
// use camera center/facing
c_scan(cameraTarget_pos_vec.x,cameraTarget_ang_vec.pan,temp,IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_YOU | SCAN_ENTS | SCAN_LIMIT );
// use model center/facing
c_scan(my.x,my.pan,temp,IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_YOU | SCAN_ENTS | SCAN_LIMIT );


// Desc: handle player biped events
function PlBiped01_Event()

if((EVENT_TYPE == event_shoot) && (gid01_event_type == gid01_event_projectile_damage))
if(my._armor__003 > 0)
my._armor__003 -= gid01_event_value;

if(my._armor__003 < 0)
// flesh damage after armor damage
my._health__003 += my._armor__003;
my._armor__003 = 0;
PlBiped_Damage_Reaction(); // display damage panel
{ // take flesh damage
my._health__003 -= gid01_event_value;
PlBiped_Damage_Reaction(); // display damage panel

// handle scan events
if(gid01_event_blast_damage == gid01_event_type)

// trace back to the blast source
if(1) // ++ fix c_trace(your.x,my.x,(ignore_me+ignore_you+ignore_passable+ignore_passents)) == 0)
if(my._armor__003 > 0)
my._armor__003 -= gid01_event_value;

if(my._armor__003 < 0)
// flesh damage after armor damage
my._health__003 += my._armor__003;
my._armor__003 = 0;
PlBiped_Damage_Reaction(); // display damage panel

{ // take flesh damage
my._health__003 -= gid01_event_value;
PlBiped_Damage_Reaction(); // display damage panel

// door/lift hit player
if((EVENT_TYPE == event_push))
if((gid01_event_type == gid01_event_push))
// alert "pusher" we got the event
you._gid01_message = 1; // send message back to door/lift

// take damage
my._health__003 -= gid01_event_value;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Entity skill & flag definitions

// action: PlBiped01
// title: Biped (i.e. Human) Player Entity
// Desc: Action attached to the player entity
// Desc: Note: only valid if used once per level!
// uses _max_force_x__003, _max_force_y__003
// uses _max_ang_force_pan__003, _force_mult_003, _trigger_range__003
// uses _move_min_z__003, _jump_height__003, _duck_height__003
// uses _walkswim_dist__002, _runcrawl_dist__002, _standjump_time__002
// uses _attackduck_time__002, _deathdamage_time__002, _runthreshold__002
// uses _health__003, _armor__003, _no_fall_dam__003
// section: Heath & Armor
// skill1: Health 100
// cntl: spin 1 x 5
// help: Reduced by damage. When <=0, player dies.
// skill2: Armor 0
// cntl: spin 0 x 5
// help: Reduces the damage that would otherwise be taken from health.
// section: Movement
// skill3: ForceX 7.5
// help: Forward force used to calculate player speed.
// cntl: spin 0 x 0.25
// skill4: ForceY 3.75
// help: Force used to calculate player "side-step" speed.
// help: Also used for climbing and swimming up/down.
// cntl: spin 0 x 0.25
// skill6: Pan 10
// help: Force used to calculate the player's rotation speed.
// cntl: spin 0 x 0.25
// skill8: ForceMult 0.5
// help: Force multiplier when run/walk key is pressed:
/// > 1, player goes faster
/// < 1, player goes slower
// cntl: spin 0 x 0.25
// section: Limits
// skill9: MinMoveZ 0.25
// help: Used to adjust the amount of upward sliding the player can do.
// help: 0-can slide up onto anything under half its height, 0.99 no upward sliding.
// cntl: spin 0 0.99 0.05
// skill10: Jump 75
// help: Height that the player tries to jump to.
// cntl: spin 0 x 1
// skill11: Duck 20
// help: How far the player can duck down.
// cntl: spin 0 x 1
// flag1: NoFallDamage 0
// help: If set, player takes no falling damage.
// section: Animation
// skill12: WalkSwimDist 4.04
// help: Walk.Swim animation cycle distance.
// help: The value before the '.' calculates distance traveled to complete a walking cycle.
// help: The value after the '.' calculates distance traveled to complete a swimming cycle.
// cntl: spin 0 x 1
// skill13: RunCrawlDist 6.03
// help: Run.Crawl animation cycle distance.
// help: The value before the '.' calculates distance traveled to complete a run cycle.
// help: The value after the '.' calculates distance traveled to complete a crawling cycle.
// cntl: spin 0 x 1
// skill14: StandJumpTime 4.02
// help: Time in Stand.Jump animation cycle.
// cntl: spin 0 x 1
// skill15: AttackDuckTime 4.02
// help: Time in Attack.Duck animation cycle.
// cntl: spin 0 x 1
// skill16: DeathDamageTime 12.02
// help: Time in Death.Damage animation cycle.
// cntl: spin 0 x 1
// skill17: RunThreshold 12
// help: If player is moving faster then this many quants,
/// use running animation, otherwise use walking.
// cntl: spin 1 x 1
// section: Misc.
// skill7: TriggerRange 25
// help: Used when the player tries to "trigger" something (i.e. pick up)
// cntl: spin 0 x 1
action PlBiped01
//watched = my; // uncomment to 'watch' the player
if(plBiped01_entity != 0)
diag("\nWARNING! PlBiped01::PlBiped01- Two or more PlBiped01 entities in level.");
wait(1); ent_remove(me);

// setup for collision

// upward glide
if(my._move_min_z__003 > 0.99)
my._move_min_z__003 = 0.99;
if(my._move_min_z__003 < 0)
my._move_min_z__003 = 0;


// set global player biped entity pointer to this object
plBiped01_entity = me;

// set id to player
my._gid01_id = gid01_player_const;

// set up player specific variables (use defaults as needed)

// default health
if(my._health__003 == 0) { my._health__003 = 100; }
// default forces
if(my._max_force_x__003 == 0) { my._max_force_x__003 = 7.5; }
if(my._max_force_y__003 == 0) { my._max_force_y__003 = 3.75; }
if(my._max_ang_force_pan__003 == 0) { my._max_ang_force_pan__003 = 10.0; }
// default jump height
if(my._jump_height__003 == 0) { my._jump_height__003 = 75.0; }

// default animation values
if(my._walkswim_dist__002 == 0) // walk distance . swim distance
my._walkswim_dist__002 = 4.04;
if(my._runcrawl_dist__002 == 0) // run distance . crawl distance
my._runcrawl_dist__002 = 6.03;
if(my._standjump_time__002 == 0) // stand time . jump time
my._standjump_time__002 = 4.02;
if(my._attackduck_time__002 == 0) // attack time . duck time
my._attackduck_time__002 = 4.02;
if(my._deathdamage_time__002 == 0) // death time . damage time
my._deathdamage_time__002 = 12.02;
if(my._runthreshold__002 == 0) // run threshold
my._runthreshold__002 = 12;

if(my._trigger_range__003 == 0)
my.trigger_range = 5;
if(my._trigger_range__003 < 0) { my.trigger_range = 0; }
else { my.trigger_range = my._trigger_range__003; }

// set up event handler
my.event = PlBiped01_Event;
my.enable_shoot = on; // gun shoot
my.enable_scan = on; // explosions
my.enable_push = on; // stop/take damage from certain doors and platforms

// Call the biped setup function

// Start the animation update loop (runs until biped is removed)
// Start the sound loop (runs until biped is removed)


My Famous Quotes: "Hip hop is like a virus, infecting everyone and everything around it. Every form of media has some way,shape or form, assimilated hip hop into it." It has also mutated into other strains like, trip hop, house, rap, gangster, and conscious forms. Once you are infected with it, its with you for life."