Thanks for all help.

I'm almost having what I want. I used some shaders examples found in the Forum, and I made some tries. Here is what I got:

here is the shader I'm using - two skins, the second is a simple grid with alpha - TGA.

//SHADER - teste

//this is the only matrix you need for this shader.. world*view*projection
float4x4 matWorldViewProj;
float4 Color;

//here is the vertex shader outputstruct
struct VS_OUTPUT {
float4 Pos : POSITION;
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;

//simple vertex shader calculates the vertex position and tex coords
VS_OUTPUT mainVS( float4 Pos : POSITION, float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) {
Out.Pos = mul(Pos,matWorldViewProj );
Out.Tex = Tex;
return Out;

texture entSkin1; //define the sampler for the entity skin
texture entSkin2; //define the sampler for the entity skin

sampler basemap = sampler_state {
Texture = <entSkin1>;
MinFilter = Linear;
MagFilter = Linear;
MipFilter = Linear;
AddressU = clamp;
AddressV = clamp;
sampler detailmap = sampler_state
Texture = <entSkin2>;
MinFilter = Linear;
MagFilter = Linear;
MipFilter = Linear;
AddressU = wrap; //you want it wrap because it will be scaled smaller
AddressV = wrap;

// Simple pixel shader samples the entity skin according to Tex.xy coords
//float4 mainPS(float2 Tex: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR {
// Color = tex2D( basemap, Tex.xy);
// return Color;
// }
// pixel shader that does detail mapping
float4 mainPS(float2 Tex: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
Color = //sample base color
tex2D( basemap, Tex.xy) * //multiply with the detail texture and scale the texture coords
tex2D( detailmap,(Tex.xy * 60));
return Color;

//float4 inColor = tex2D(mapSkin1, In.tex);
//float4 inGrid = tex2D(mapSkin2, In.Tex * oScale);
//float4 outColor;
//outColor.rgb = lerp(inColor.rgb, inGrid.rgb, inGrid.a);
//outColor.a = inColor.a;

technique blur {
pass Object {
//VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 mainVS();
VertexShader = NULL;
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 mainPS();

The last tip I'm looking for is how to let the second texture, the grid, more visible indifferent to the distance.

Anyway, it's much better now - thanks.