Hi Vlau,

The shaders are used via material definitions. For example, a material definition for a normal mapping shader might look like this :


// Declare the material:
material MtlNormalMapped
power = 100;
diffuse_red = 64;
diffuse_green = 64;
diffuse_blue = 64;
specular_red = 255;
specular_green = 255;
specular_blue = 255;
flags = tangent;
effect = "TwoLights.fx";

The tangent flag has to be set for some shaders ( it will be documented which ones need it and which don't. ) The specular, diffuse and ambient colors are taken and used by the shader so you can customize the appearance of the material quite dramatically to suit your scene. The same applies to specular power. Then you just link to the shader in the effect="TwoLights.fx"

I don't have much ( well any ) experience with 3DGS before this week, but this seemed like the best way to integrate shaders. It gives you a lot of control over the appearance, and it's still very easy to use. ( It must be easy to use if I figured it out )