Phew, sorry, this thread took on a bit of a life of it's own while I was finetuning things and starting on docs.

Ok, so let me address everything I've missed.


<Ello>hey phil, looking at your example , are you already using material skills for passing other things than colors? for example the strength of a normalmapping or whatever aspect of a shader that is adjustable?

That's correct. A small number of extra settings ( such as the UV offset with offset bumpmapping ) are set with material skills. To me, this seemed the most convenient manner to allow the settings to be used-defined.


<Vlau>By adding the shader effect as your code above : effect = "TwoLights.fx";
then the .fx file will be a standalone text file, how can I encrypt the
file in this way? as I read the FAQ from your website that you mentioned
licensee need to encrypt the shader codes while publishing their games.

I'm open to suggestions here. I don't have enough experience of 3DGS to know the best way to do this. If it's not practical, then I will simply provide a difference license for the 3DGS pack.


<Orange Brat>@Phil: Thanks for the effort. When this is all said and done, a list of cards these shaders are confirmed to work with and those they are confirmed not to work with would be appreciated.

JCL and others already replied to this, but just to confirm, these shaders are Shader Model 2.0 or better. The issues you refer to with cards not really being standards compliant and claiming otherwise are with old shader models ( one of the reasons we don't support anything before SM2.0, another reason being that SM2.0 and above are DX10 compatible, and previous versions are not. ) Assuming DirectX9 is installed and decent videocard drivers are installed, and it's a SM2.0 card, it will work.

Beyond that, there are two downloadable demos available on the SFG site. They weren't made with 3DGS, but they will allow you to confirm compatibility.


<Matt Coles>would the Environment Bump Mapping from shader pack 2 work with pros render to texture?

The environment bump mapping shader ( which I'm hoping will be included in the 3DGS pack, just have to write up a demo to test it now. ) uses a cubemap. Can you use render to texture with a cubemap? After talking to JCL, I was planning to link this shader with the scene's skycube environment, as that's the most likely use for it. It would be trivial to change it, of course, but I don't know offhand if you can render-to-texture to a cubemap target in 3DGS.

I think I got everyone, but please forgive me ( and repost ) if I missed anything or anyone.