Thanks guys!


"Groesse" means "size", the Ties and X-Wings have "size" 1 and the mother-ships have "size" 2.
"Size" 1 ships get shot more accurate than "size" 2 ships (that's why the random range is different).


The X-Wings are not really shooting each other, they just don't recognize if a friend is between them and their enemy...

The ship models are from "Yeda Kight II" and from somewhere else, thus they're not mine at all.


Sometimes the ships just don't recognize each other, but there's a "physical" problem if a TieFighter and a X-Wing are flying and firing at each other:

The Ties Lasers pass the X-Wing through the open Wings and the X-Wings lasers pass the Ties all around, thus they can't hit each other and finally don't have enough space left to evade if they're too close.

In normal combat the evasion range is enough, but not if the targets are moving towards each other.

My project Schlacht um Kyoto - Das Samurai Browsergame! (sorry, german only)