Hey Ventilator

If I'm using your supertrace plugin I have to use the newton splash screen right???

New beta features being implemented:

A7 X When c_trace() hits a model entity in OBB mode, the tex_color vector is now set to the color of the texture pixel at the hit point. For this the texture must be a TGA image in 24 bit RGB or in 32 bit ARGB format.

A7 X When c_trace() hits a level block or a model entity in OBB mode, the predefined target_map pointer is set to the hit BMAP (the lightmap or the first entity skin), and the target_pos vector is set to the u,v coordinates of the hit point on the texture. This can be used to paint on the texture, add or remove shadows, or punch holes in targets with a gun.

What would this mean by adding or removing shadows to the texture surface? What would this mean for your supertrace plugin? Is your 2nd uv set and supertrace just made for A6?