
Would you mind adding that to the splitter, if it's not too much work? By the way, a little off-topic but I will mention it here in case you open up and work on the splitter.. could you add another feature? Because each object the splitter exports has a different numerical prefix to avoid conflict, it's difficult to make LOD for so many models.. a solution to this would be a lodgp_ prefix, an LOD group that works like regular groups (gp_) do already, but the level designer makes sure that the contents of each one have a models with the same name and appropriate numericial suffix (0-4) per normal LOD naming convention. Simply put, items in an lodgp_ would be in a normal group but not have that unique numerical prefix.

i will try to add the _lm option in the next days.

i am not sure if i understand the lod solution and if it would be easy to add but i will think about it.