I only played around with the script-editor yet, but here are some things I experienced, although not everything might be a "bug"

1.) When running in debug mode (the red icon) and windowed mode, after clicking from the game to the editor (to bring it back on top, for example to controll some vars or after having set some debug-stops), I am not able to move the ingame-mouse at the next run. This happend to me both with my own script and the one from the tutorial (workshop 6). The only way to move the ingame-mouse is to restart the editor.

2.) Every one in a while, about one every five debug-runs, F5 will not do anything. I cannot reproduce that error, sometimes it occurs, sometime it doesn't.

3.) Some errors in the "command help"-files, the small window at the bottom of the editor. The one I can remember: On the page for "button", there's a link to winstart, but that will lead me back to the top of the "button"-page.

4.) Some keywords, like "OVERLAY" are marked in another colour, but e.g. "VISIBLE" is not. (Not really a bug and I might adjust it myself, only mentioned for consistency)

That's it by now..