Thank you all for your support, it is really helpfull and much appreciated.

I've ran into one major problem though, the same thing josiah ran into. Collision...

When sending an object through the portals, collision detection would find a wall behind it, and not be able to pass items through. The video above did not check for collision, it was simply a floating point.

To get around this, I have two options:

1) When an object gets near the portal, turn off its physics, drag it through, and then re-enable physics.

2) Program my own [simple] physics system for when the object is near the portal. When it gets close enough to the portal, I'll turn off its physics, run my own simple physics, and move it based on its origin. I just need to transform veleocity and torque. This shouldn't be too difficult, and sounds like the best idea so far.

I just thought off those two ideas as I was writing... lol. Time to get to work...

I'll try to release a demo that uses step #1 before I begin step #2.

- Programmer