The Demo itself looks rather impressive , I do agree with the fact that it's a rather simple level , but the rendering is very good and very detailed, however I only get 1-2 fps on it with my comp : \ , though this is an older system , and I'm sure if I ran the Unreal 3 engine on here it would go just as slow if it runs at all. Their pricing system is very fair and affordable , $1500 upfront with $3500 after once/if you get funding is actually an incredible deal for such a piece of technology (remember UE3 is around $750,000). All in all it looks really good , but due to my lack of an up to date system I cant really appropriately comment on it's performance other than it's gfx which are undoubtedly outstanding accompanied by a rather impressive feature engine feature list. I'm definately keeping this engine in mind for future projects.