Well , this show that with an easy to program engine (TV3D,Irrlicht,
Ogre3D etc ....)
if you have a team and some dedicaced programmer for tools ,
that's the best way, no wait.
I've seen on ogre 3D forums some pople showing great games or
complete world/terrain editors for their games.

That way , or pay more for a more complete/powerfull engine.

By using Ogre3D i can say it really have next gen power and graphics ,
it' totally free, lot of frequent updates/bug fixes ...
who could dreamm better : ) ?
bad sie : it's only a graphic engine and you need
a team with some programmers.

Another point loy of people forgot a lot :
the 3D art you make is really the more important , even on PS2
that is not Next Gen : play the game God Of War 2
It's so beautifull architecture , effects, animations , models that is as
beautifull as some today next gen games.

It's not a terrain based game , so lot of engines supporting lightmaps
could produce such results.

But not a lot here in the forums have a talentued charcater artist
and level designer with them : that's the WEAK point !
Otherwise, we would see too many good looking games that would make jaleous
onther engines like always