To get back to the original question ...

Yes, I remember BV ... still own a silver license and will wait to see what a.) the interim version 1.5 and b.) the GameCore version will bring before making a definite decision.

I've upgraded to A7Pro partially because of the experiences with BV. It's not a bad engine, just some bugs and bad communication up to this point. But, what A7 offers beyond some updated technical stuff, is a very active community. Whether it's the AUM (thanks George !!!), the 3DGS Magazine, the web resources or the plethora of helpful hints here in the forum, 3DGS offers a lot more than some other engines. You get more forum-posts here in a day than on other forums in three months !!

I also own a Lawmaker license and found out after I purchased the weekend warrior license that I can NOT make a standalone EXE with that version. This means I'd have to take my PC to someone's house if I wanted to show them my creation. Also LM has a rather unusual setup. So that was money burned (in my case! - your mileage may vary).

Torque has a lot of support and is a very capable engine (even though it's a few years old by now ) But a lot of stuff has to be taken into consideration when developing anything for it. Partially cryptic, and generally always client-server oriented. Still a good engine.

So, in conclusion (IMHO):

BV has some potential. If you believe gekido's speel about the future of GameCore, then be patient and wait. If not, find another engine that fits your needs now.

Just remember that the grass is always greener on the other side.

And don't discount 3DGS ... it has a lot going for it !


GameCore / Unity / UDK
Lightwave 9.6 / Blender / Fragmotion / ZBrush 3.5
TextureMaker / PSP-X