I've got some giant steps (for me) with this plugin.
Register and track WED created entities.
synchronize a client with server (create global entities, remove removed wed entities)
Global handles functions

Start here:
TestChat Application : Download
DLL: Download

Now I start with documentation and some examples

^: Bugfix
x: changed feature
+: added feature
-: deleted feature
2007-07-09 Release 0.5.0 public beta
+ GSTNet_Disconnect(); // exit server/client engine
+ GSTNet_TrackVar(name); // tracks a var on server and send it every frame to all clients if changed
+ GSTNet_Synchronize(); // sync client with server
+ GSTNet_RegisterEntity(entity); //register a wed entity on server
- GSTNet_Exit(); // replaced with GST_Disconnect()
2007-07-02 Release 0.4.4 public beta
+ GSTNet_Handle(entity) //returns global handle
+ GSTNet_PtrForHandle(handle) //returns entity from global handle
+ GSTNet_Connection()
1 = server
2 = client
3 = clientserver
replaces ifdef srv;
+ GST_ent_morph(entity, filename)
2007-06-30 Release 0.4.3 public beta
+ GST_Connection() same behaviour as 3DGS
replaces the ifdef srv; method
2007-06-28 Release 0.4.2 public beta
+ GSTNet_Ping() get the smoothed roundTriptime

^ GSTNet_UpdateEntity,GSTNet_UpdateSkills
2007-06-28 Release 0.4.1 public beta
x New functions:
GSTNet_UntrackEntity(entity, properties) don't send these properties every frame
GSTNet_UpdateEntity(entity, properties) send the defined properties immediate from any entity on any client or server to all
+ GSTNet_TrackSkills(entity, from, to) don't send these skills every frame
+ GSTNet_UpdateSkills(entity, from, to) send the defined skills immediate from any entity on any client or server to all
- GSTNet_ent_update
2007-06-24 Release 0.4 public beta
+ New functions:
GSTNet_TrackEntity(entity, properties) send these properties every frame
tracked properties are only sent if any are changed
2007-06-06 Release 0.3 public beta
x new framework
+ send user defined strings
send script objects: vars, strings
2007-06-05 Release 0.2 public beta
^ fixed Memory leak with iterative str_create's
x GSTNet_ClientSend, GSTNet_ServerSendall
now always reliable
2007-06-04 Release 0.1 public beta

GSTools - Home of
GSTScript 0.9.8: lua scripting for A6/7/8
GSTNet network plugin for A6/7/8
GSTsqlite 1.3.7: sql database plugin for A6/7/8
3DGS Codebase: 57 snippets || 3DGS Downloads: 248 files