hi all,

i am quite surprised that noone reported here about the 3impact engine.

http://www.3impact.com/ [engine site]
http://www.devmaster.net/engines/engine_details.php?id=48 [devmaster re-/overview]

i know the website looks unprofessional, but it's worth a closer look. i do not yet own a license, but it sounds and looks great. v5 has now a fx shader port as well as incredible physics simulation.

some remarkable screens:

you got to see the video on this site:


featuring a spherical physics example in the last demo. wow...

it's my hottest candidate as an a7 alternative. check out the forums as well.

editing is done in your favourite editor. almost any programming language can be used such as c/c++, delphi/pascal, basic.. even mingW as compiler is allowed (great thing for the dev-cpp users).

Last edited by broozar; 06/06/07 21:57.