one more thing.. i was thinking about all this stuff with AI systems and really implanting them to a game...
There is that many different games out there and I don’t think that many of them is using the A5 or A6 templates. So how will all the damage and damage system work?

One way is to create a system that simply just support the template script but that can be really bad if people want to have an own game system.

Another way is to first looking around and find a really grate game system for damage and shots and melee attacks and then implant that hole system to your AI script so you have a simple code for picking up weapons and a weapon code that can easy be modified without scripting like the template system. And all the code should be well commented and at the beginning or the end there should be a text explaining how it all works and tell what parts should be edited if you wanted to change that and that. And tell how to use the system to your own code. Ex explaining that for example the gun pickup code looks for the player all the time so the player action does not have anything with the pickup action and stuff like that.
And then create the AI code to this system and then with help of a flag in the engine make it to the A6 template so you can use that system if you would like that.
And also you should be able to change the AI easy. For example some enemies maybe checks for edges thru a trace instruction. But if all enemies is doing that maybe the fps would go down so you can turn stuff like that on and off. Maybe your lvl is maid of terrains and don’t have edges. Then it is useless to check for them?
(short version of what I wrote here)
Create an own “template” system and describe how it works and make it easy to change with and without code. And then ad the AI to that whole system.

__________________________________________________ / Gafgar The Goblin...