He has used a copy of Blitz3D (registered to someone else) and made his own product from it.

Unable to run Blitz Basic module
blitz3d_create failed
Blitz array index out of bounds
blitzpath User lib not found
Blitz Runtime Class Flip Failed!

Error! Unknown runtime exception Stack overflow! Illegal instruction Memory access violation Integer divide by zero _f _ Unable to run Blitz Basic module Can't find symbol: ôC .?AUbbEx@@ = _bbDebugLeave _bbDebugEnter _bbDebugStmt DebugLog$text FreeTimer%timer %WaitTimer%timer %CreateTimer%hertz SetEnv$env_var$value $GetEnv$env_var $SystemProperty$property $CommandLine %MilliSecs Delay%millisecs ExecFile$command RuntimeError$message AppTitle$title$close_prompt="" Stop End basic_create failed math_create failed string_create failed stream_create failed sockets_create failed filesystem_create failed bank_create failed graphics_create failed input_create failed audio_create failed multiplay_create failed blitz3d_create failed Startup Error: Program has ended Unable to start program Blitz array index out of bounds Array index out of bounds [NULL] ??? "" [ .... [ROOT] Object does not exist Bad data type Out of data Unreleased objs: Active objects : Active strings : RuntimeStats _bbFPow _bbFMod _bbFSgn _bbFAbs _bbMod _bbSgn _bbAbs _bbReadStr _bbReadFloat _bbReadInt _bbRestore _bbNullObjEx _bbObjFromHandle _bbObjToHandle _bbObjToStr _bbObjEachNext2 _bbObjEachFirst2 _bbObjEachNext _bbObjEachFirst _bbObjInsAfter _bbObjInsBefore _bbObjLast _bbObjFirst _bbObjPrev _bbObjNext _bbObjCompare _bbObjStore _bbObjRelease _bbObjDeleteEach _bbObjDelete _bbObjNew _bbVecBoundsEx _bbVecFree _bbVecAlloc _bbArrayBoundsEx _bbUndimArray _bbDimArray _bbStrConst _bbStrFromFloat _bbStrToFloat _bbStrFromInt _bbStrToInt _bbStrConcat _bbStrCompare _bbStrStore _bbStrRelease _bbStrLoad _bbCStrType _bbStrType _bbFltType _bbIntType /userlibs/ blitzpath User lib not found User lib function not found _bbCStrToStr _bbStrToCStr _bbLoadLibs 3D Graphics mode not set Illegal number of texture frames Texture does not exist Brush does not exist Parent entity does not exist b3d 3ds x . Illegal number of segments Entity is not a mesh Entity does not exist A mesh cannot be added to itself Surface Index out of range Entity is not a model Vertex index out of range Texture coordinate set out of range Entity is not a camera Entity is not an object Entity is not a light Entity is not a sprite Entity is not an MD2 Model Entity is not a BSP Model Illegal terrain size Terrain must be square Unable to load heightmap image Entity is not a terrain Listener already created No Listener created Entity cannot be parented to itself! Entity has not animation Entity has no animation Entity is not a model or camera EntityType ID must be in the range 0...999 Collision index out of range BSP MD2 Mesh Plane Terrain Sprite Listener Mirror Camera Light Pivot Unable to create 3D Scene