in fact your 3D engien will it have scripting language like LUA
or will it be some wrapper around an existing engine ?

I mean :
for example some 3,4 lines to load a model and assign a texture ,
you could create a one line C++ function like :
MyLib.loadMD2Model("filemodel","filetexture") ;
as easy as B3D and some others , it'c C++ but simple C++
it's what i mean by wrapper

Scripting language is not fra from that , but not as fast as pure C++.

Ogre3D as already some basic Python wrapper, you should continue on it ?
it has also LUA if i remember well .

Same thing for Irrlicht :
it has a .Net wrapper that make development lot more easy than C++

Well in fact these two engines already have wrappers or LUA/Pyhton interfaces,
it already exists, so you should continue the begin work i think !

I don't see where your engine will be better than existing things , caus you already rely on some 3D existing engine ?
B3D sdk, Dark BAsic, Torque products,B engine, 3DGS, Irrlicht , Ogre3D ,
Uningine ...

your goal is to make a game or to sell some easy ot use 3D wrapper ?