In fact if your passion is programming , doing small games (and lot of small
games are selled each day , and some are fantastic, even more lor of remakes are done nowadays)
If that keep on that way :
use TV3D that is incredubly simple as B3D or learn another simple 3D engine like Irllicht and do your passion : programming for fun !

But if you want to create a complete solutions for 3D artists like i asaid :
the tools , interfaces will be the main thing ( Far Cry editor for
example : What you see is wha tyou get .. ofr shaders,physics, terrain etc ..)

Like i said a 3D artits would have only to script dialog, game behaviour and
AI !

3DGS is Not Far Cry editor ,
it's not Unreal 3 engine or some more affordable pro engine ,
but it is shaping really really well ,
it lacks on shader editing , terrain folliage manager and other things,
but it does its jobs and it is progressing really reeally well
and it's the most easy ot use !
Like some other people once you get in you never live even if betters tools exists you'll keep coming back

With 3DGS you even can create small games, you already have a world editor,
c script is as easy as B3D !

Well it's up to you ,
you see in fact you must really think and define your real goal !
programming for pleasure , small game making and coding for pleasure ?
coding effects and behaviour for fun ?

like i said : coding :
is old age game making : nowadays all that basic stuff is not needed and done
by panels to apply shaders and lla stuff !!

Well i stop here i ted to talk too too much ...

Last edited by TheExpert; 06/17/07 13:11.