Well, I'm restarting my "portal" project. I havn't actually taken the time to rewrite any code, I've just been working on level design. Here's what I've gotten done so far (not much). I'll update the demo quite often to show the progress of the project (as well as for Beta-testing )...


The controls are a bit different then the standard, but this will be shown later when bones are used. Use the mouse for looking around, WASD for moving/turning, "F" to switch between flying/walking modes...

The input script is still a WIP, but it has "some sort of" joystickupport . Flying's a bit "awkward" without a joystick, but I tried to balance realism and ease-of-use. This is just what I've done the last two days, MUCH, MUCH more to come SOON!

Well, Here's the beginning...
The link above will be updated as well as a link in my signature (comming soon).

WARNING: Lightning Strikes [WIP] Are very bright/quick, and may trigger siezures for those with epilepsy. Careful

Last edited by xXxGuitar511; 06/25/07 05:47.

- Programmer