
Do you seriously believe that it's ok to kill innocent people just because they are not Christian?

Well yes of course, according to the Bible you will indeed go to hell if you are not a Christian.

But as I said:
1)its not killing, its God's judgement for sin
2)its not innocent people because we are all under sin, and we all have a chance to repent
3)we are talking about the afterlife, not God striking someone dead with a lightning bolt.

That is the Christian belief, Im sorry if you do not agree.


And on the other hand, you declared me not a Christian because I don't share your extreme bible interpretation, so you think its ok to kill me?

No its not just a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with someone's interpretation. Its a matter of the sin in your life. even small sins like hatred, and wraths, and slander, and lies, jealousy and bitterness. All of those sins, left unrepented and unconfessed will send you to hell unless you seek forgiveness from Jesus.

Really it is the condition of your heart, all the blackness and evil which exists in your heart. The hate, the anger, the bitterness. None of it is according to the law of love. All laws can be summed up by the law which states "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" If you dont have love in your heart, but all you have is hatred, you will go to hell. Thats why you need Jesus.


What about you, then? I would not consider you a Christian with such a belief, so would it be ok to kill you?

Gods judgement applies to everyone, male and female, me or you, whomever, God is no respecter of persons. But this applies to the afterlife, it has nothing to do with you killing me here on earth, or God sending lightning bolts. Although there have been cases where God has actually caused the deaths of people, like the flood and earthquakes. So I suppose it is possible, but not probable.

I actually look forward to my own death because I know Ill be going to heaven. So death is no big deal for me. I know I also have sins, but because I repent of my sins and I believe in Jesus to forgive my sins when I ask then I know I am going the right direction.