
Why? I just acknowledged something, that every historic and archaeologist will tell you too: that there was an evolution in human cultures. Evolution means: a gradual change.

Off course, but why don't you see that at first people believed in 'nature' Gods, then after that some cultures began to believe in a whole pantheon of Gods (like in Greece or Egypt) and now it's just one God. Who's right? Even if this evolution of culture is normal (and I don't disagree with that btw), all can't be right and you can't distinguish the faulty from the correct either, because there's no reference... Basically these prophets and priest simply wrote down what they thought, not what necessarily was right, that's what you've more or less admitted.


It is only logical, to assume, that priests and prophets had to take into account the existing moral framework of a REAL human society in a REAL time at least to some extent.

All the more reason for me to assume they did it only for power, not for giving people the truth. Otherwise they would have said "okey, you're not going to like it, but this is how it is", if indeed it was a 'inconvenient truth', because looking at the bible I think it's not very inconvenient at all actually (heaven, eternal life, prayers, all in all big promises etc.).


You can´t change everything immediately , like in a fairytale, you can only work for gradual improvements.

A prophet is like a link between the relative worldly world and the absolute divine world.

Problem is that there's no proof of such a link at all. Prophets claim these things in order to be able to convince people, again for power and influence. It's clever talk to keep the masses' attention.


He has to take into account both, the real situation and the absolute divine messages, that he receives.

Sure, if he wants to have any influence at all, he has to, still this doesn't justify any 'messing with the divine messages' and then I'm off course assuming they had any.


Now this doesn´t mean, that he becomes a hypocrite, who compromises on the divine message and tells the people, what they want to hear.

I don't get this. Prophets are allowed to convince people of anything they like? Come on, that's downright silly if you claim they're actually telling 'truths' and give us 'divine messages'. *shakes head*


The prophets, that are mentioned in the Bible were often not really popular at their time, for the reason, that they told people the inconvenient truth.

This makes sense, but probably not because of 'inconvenient truths', archeology has already shown that the image of overly barbaric people is wrong. Perhaps the people from back then already thought Jesus was a magician and other prophets were frauds too? Churches (and imho one may assume also the earlier prophets) have a long long record of exploiting people's faith for their own benefit.

If you want to control people, best thing to do is nót to tell them everything and keep some knowledge so you can constantly outsmart them or give them more if they do not listen to you anymore ... It's simple psychology,


But would we reject modern medicine, just because the methods of some doctors in ancient time turned out to be wrong or even dangerous to health?

Wooah, wait a minute, both are obviously not comparable, because modern medicine really 'works', you can't say that of God...


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