
That´s because mathematics is so very simple, it usually follows well defined rules.
Now religion on the other hand is a very large and complex subject

I quote (by heart) Galileo from the " Dialogo dei massimi sistemi"

" I have alwayes admired people who have achieved small but concrete results rather than those ones who have been talking all their life long about complex subjects and never came to any conclusion "

Philosophy is not a complex subject
If you read the masterpieces of the , so called , "great thinkers " you find in general , with some exception of course, either common sense (Kant for example )wrapped with difficult words or pure fantasy but great literature (Egels for example)

Just science can cast a light on the mistery of life
That said ,I dont mean that science supports "Atehism"
Some recent scientific discoveries are actually in favour of religion I mean that the rest is just bla...bla...( dengerous bla..bla...)