
The big bang

Even Einstein, who despite a common beleif was an atheist , introduced a constant in its equation to "force" the universe to be stable but he had to admit that it was a mistake

True, but to understand systems, you have to simplify them. I admit though that this is a weak point, but does this work in favor of religion? I don't think so.



At the beginning of the computer era everybody assumed that the difference between an artificial brain and a real brain was in term of number and type of neurons
But it is not like that

I'm definitely going to look into this since I don't know much about this when it comes to scientific opinions, but I though the consensus on this is still that we haven't found 'our soul' yet, so again, no evidence in favor of religion.


Evolution can explain a lot of things but the DNA of the simplest form of life is so complex that " pure chance" is absolutly out of question

Selection is not chance, it doesn't happen by pure chance anyways. Besides, where science doesn't have an answer yet, doesn't mean it's in favor of religion. Still, off course, science has not figured out the primordial soup problem just yet.

Those were 3 good issues, but in my opinion not really anything that works in favor of religion,


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