@JCL:I would hope open intelligent discussion of ideas/suggestion for the engine would be welcomed here and treated with respect, not greeted with sarcastic remarks. Please let's keep this amicable and objective.

Please do not forget other people may also have real development experience too and might wish to use the engine and tools in ways you may not have thought of yet.

OK let's try looking at my request again and remember I'm only talking about for the Pro version:

1) Data separation should certainly be on the roadmap for Pro
a) 'Convenience' for animators as you put it earlier, is a huge understatement for the fact it would be extremely tedious for the animators not to have this when faced with any substantial animation work-load, they would certainly not a have a good work-flow without it as would have to re-export the animations multiple times for evey little tweak or change required. On a commercial project this would waste time and money you can ill afford.

b) Regular skeletal animations are tiny as you state, but special animations like kill moves, signature moves, destructions effects and cut-scenes etc.are all significantly larger and can very quickly add up to a real impact on the amount of data you have to load and store. This is also especially important if you want to target lower spec machines or consoles with the same animation data.

Even if you only agree with the lack of it affecting the animators work-load adversely, that alone still means data separation is important enough to deserve be on the road map for Pro. The fact this method is used by Unreal, Source, Quake 4 and the Granny engine, confirms it as the industry standard. Most Indie engines work this way too for the same practical reasons.

2) I agree having the option of GPU skinning is certainly not needed immediately –I did say “eventually” in my original request, but to dismiss it as something only for demos is simply incorrect. GPU skinning is already provided in or is currently being added to; Unreal, Source, Quake 4, and even Ogre. Again that list of AAA engines by definition means it is already an industry standard. A full-blown game such as Quake 4 is clearly not just a demo.

DX10 has been designed with it in mind too. It is definitely the future. Yes it doesn’t suit all circumstances, but is often the preferred method currently and will increasingly be so as GPUs keep on getting more powerful.

Just to clarify when I post on this forum I’m thinking something like “OK fully featured production ready A7 around Dec 2007 maybe, that means typically some time in 2009 before you would expect to release a completed project”. So please take my feature request seriously with that sort of lon-ger term thinking in mind –this is the future forum right?


Unreal http://udn.epicgames.com/Two/ActorXMaxTutorial.html
Source http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SMD_file_format
Quake IV http://www.iddevnet.com/quake4/Animations
Granny http://www.radgametools.com/granny.html
Dark Basic Pro http://darkbasicpro.thegamecreators.com/?f=enhanced_animations

Unreal 3 http://www.unrealtechnology.com/html/technology/ue30.shtml
Source http://www.productive.com/news/newsarticle.asp?searchid=15494
Quake IV http://www.iddevnet.com/quake4/Animations
OGRE http://www.ogre3d.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=373&Itemid=2
Blade3D http://www.devmaster.net/engines/engine_details.php?id=413
Vatan planning to add.
Visual3D.Net http://www.visual3d.net/Features/tabid/55/Default.aspx
Unity planning to add.

Good article explaining what GPU skinning is and why it’s prevalent in the industry nowadays. http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20070418/paanakker_pfv.htm

Good discussion on Devmaster on the pros and cons of CPU versus GPU skinning with a definite consensus for doing it on the GPU. http://www.devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4542