Hi all,

I want to contribute a small, but nice tool.

What is it?
It's a normal map generator. But it also featuring a real-time preview of the normal-mapping shader. You can also export the material and the shader. It's easy to use and a fast tool for creating normal maps for models... and add them a shader.

So all shader noobies (like me ) have now an easy tool to make their own normal-mapping.

Here's a small Screenshot:

Easy normal-map creation
Supported formats: bmp,tga,pcx
RealTime 3D-Preview
Include code export
+ Fake Bump-Mapping creation (rendered shader on textur, buggy)
English and German
Free for commercial usage.

Have fun!

Notice: You find your exported shader and normal map in the export folder of the program.

If you want to try an example texture, open "example.bmp"

Download it!

Btw: Special thanks to Slin, he knows why

Last edited by TSG_Torsten; 07/29/07 17:59.