@Ran_man: you're cracking me up. ^^


A high degree of biological order is one of the fundamental characteristics of all living things. In other words 'organization' is one of the reasons why you know something is alive. Other characteristics include sensitivity to environment, movement, reproduction, metabolism and growth.

Your talking about rather advanced life already, that's not what it must have started with, God or no God, since evolution is real... life by no means has to be able to move in order for it to 'live by definition' for example. I think you are confusing the definition of a 'organism' with the definition of 'something living'. I pretty sure it's impossible for life to instantaneously come into existence as full grown monkeys, humans, horses, elephants and what complex life-forms more as creationists seem to believe. How do you think it all started when every human get's born out of other humans? There's a gap when you don't believe in evolution that you can not fill with God...


I thought your first definition of a law was interesting because you had stated that if a scientific law were proven false, then "all science based upon that law would collapse" That was an interesting statement.

It wouldn't collapse necessarily, it simply would have to adjust, that's a little bit different in my book, but yes some thing would change in such a scenario.


Very small, eh? Interesting. Your probably aware that the smallest cell is still much more complicated than a space shuttle? And that the smallest little machines inside these cells are still far beyond the understanding of even our most brilliant microbiologists?

If it were so easy for these life forms to organize themselves and then become alive, why isnt happening today? Why dont we see abiogenesis popping up all around us?

Scientists are busy working on it as we speak, the latest estimation speaks about artificial life within a decade. Personally I think that's a bit too optimistic.

Yes, off course it's super complex, even just a tiny cell, but can you imagine how much time it took before life ended up being what it is now? That's a lot of times your age and even more times my age, so many years in fact that if I would start counting now I'd be old before I know it. Lol, and then we're talking about years, well it's old news, but there's ~356 days in one year with an awful lot of seconds in them. Plenty of time for life to develop for what it is now, life itself is proof in a way. It exists because we know it does, but for it's origin or cause this is off course way too simplistic, hence why I don't believe in instantaneous creation of life. Did you ever see it happen? Nope. Evolution or at least the gradual change of life adapting to it's environment is something we can witness, even if it's by looking at fossils,
