Predestiny is different from mechanization. The systems of a car engine are methodical and itnerdependant.. the systems of the body are also.. this says nothing about their predestination.

Modern physics only understands so much of it.. and thats why things only make sense to a point.. that's pretty much the grounded, limtied argument everyone uses.. basing far too much on modern science.

Obviously there's plenty we dont understand.. but also all works methodically.. else we would encounter true inconsistancy.. and else we could get nowhere as far as understanding it even on a basic level.

If there were no such things as mechanisms, again we couldnt predict one single attribute about our world, or the space around it.. nor their relationships.

The fact that we can on a basic level, even up to where we stop understanding, and probably need different approaches to continue from.. says that these things exist.

See my above arguments about why chance and randomnity are not to credit with our beggining.. but in all our years studying the universe, we have never once encountered one inconsistancy.. only missing factors we had yet to detect. When we did detect them, either by finding a new method.. factors came into place, and we learned a little more.

We have not yet encountered a inconsistency, though. Only parts of the organism we don't understand. We are too limited to, for now.. but gradually.. we wont be.. and then we will feel silly for saying its an inconsistency or a fault in the universe's systems.. the same way we always do upon discovery.

My reasoning for there to have been premeditation though, is that the universe as a whole is not only far too complex and interdependantly functioning, not unlike a machine or organism.. put in play in just the right way that everything works..

but.. starting from nothing.. it had to have taken a much greater amount of deliberate (probably conceptualized and technically facilitated) force to turn a universe of scattered atoms into a dense pindrop.. and then let it go in just the right way that all this results.. than chance, or randomnity are capable of given the laws of basic science.

Last edited by ICEman; 10/07/07 03:26.

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