Hi, I'm testing the demo of A7 and I have the same probleme:

I try this:

In maya 8.0 with fbx exporter up-to-date to MED.
A simple cylinder with 5 bones.

Test with Rigid Bind (1 bone/vertex influence) > MED : with bake complex animation [ON] in the fbx exporter: skin move, but not bones (in the fbx importer of MED, bones are disable).. If I eneable bones when importing, I see bones not moving, skin moving and when I move bones, the influence exist, but med make an interpolation between skin animated and bones weight.

Without bake complex animation: no bones and strange movement of vertex.

Test with smooth bind and Max influence set to 1 : same problem.

I tested all versions of fxb exporting parameters (2006,2006,...) not working

When I try to import in med with the fbx 2006.. version : crash of med

I'm sure that I have tested all solution of exporting/importing fbx

Last edited by botu; 08/23/07 08:39.