oh hey! it's "why do i die" again! i thought you would've been banned by now

you're very quick to form an opinion about something you know nothing about.

lite-C significantly expands horizons for programmers who'd rather not write plugins. on its own, lite-C is an enormous upgrade from C-script. don't be scared of it; it's as easy as C-script. it's almost exactly the same until you start making real good use of it.

there are a fair bunch of other changes -- commercial now has render-to-texture. this isn't much of an engine upgrade but makes it hugely advantageous for a6 comm owners to upgrade to a7 comm. bones and unlimited physics are in lower editions as well. the renderer is improved.

most of the updates haven't been released yet.

WED will soon be able to bake radiosity, for example.

even if it's not as much yet as you were expecting, it's not at all the same thing and they're definitely not backpedaling.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!