
Jutst like Unreal Engine 3 is not an upgraded Unreal Engine 2 , look at the big giant massive difference in the engines.

i hope you're not talking about graphics, because then you'd have to be stupid. that's shaders mate, and all the underlying non-graphical differences are things that most of us can't compare because many of us have never used either engine.


8 light limit is gone , but , we get the same discusting , blocky , and downright hideous dynamic lights we already had , why would anyone need more shitty looking lights , I'd rather have 8 good looking ones.

that's directX for you mate. you want better? use a shader. people have contributed dozens.

that not good enough for you? the interactive shader editor is in alpha at the moment.

you want an AI solution? AUM covers many basics, or you can buy intense X. and the fact that you need to do that is by no means wrong, because a7 is a generalised game engine, while AI solutions are usually quite specific to certain types of games.


And then the C-Style Lite-C , well we all know what I think of this , if I wanted to program in C-Style I would program in C++ and go look for a better engine to program in. I dont see how anyone could defend this , it was made in 2007

you've been using mostly C-style syntax for as long as you've been using C-script. seriously, take a good look at Lite-C. there's almost no difference to current C-script projects.


You all would have to be really stupid to actually belive what you put. Yes , lite-C is one of the biggest new features , which to me , and most non programmers is useless

that first bit doesn't even make sense. lite-C is good. if it isn't much use to you, too bad. but that doesn't stop it from being good and if those who can use it are stupid, what does that make you?


Wow , like they couldnt have just upgraded to A6 Pro if they really needed those extra pro features ?

pro's way more expensive than A7 comm. some of us can't afford it.

things like "Sphere 2, intense X , Seed_IT, Dyna_Lights, and Ice_X editor" specifically cater to certain needs which many users don't require. while some people don't use all the engine's features it already has, the fact that these plugins/editors are more than worth their prices is indicative of how well they cover thier particular specialty. no one wants to pay for specialist software they aren't going to use.

and don't say lite-C is specialist software you don't want to pay for -- it's free. the A7 upgrade cost covers the other features it has now and will have for the rest of its lifetime.


I dont see how anyone could defend this , it was made in 2007 : \ It really looks like it was made in 1995.

that's brilliant because C++ first appeared in 1985. what exactly looks like it was made in 1995? the paragraph it's in implies you're talking about the script language, but the most popular one used today is older. if you're talking about your game's visuals, that's your own fault. if you're talking about the editors, they cover your basic needs but you're mainly paying for the engine. go download blender.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!