JulzMighty , well mate , if you could take your head out of ur ass for one second you would see what i'm talking about. None of your answers are relevant ,
"that's directX for you mate. you want better? use a shader. people have contributed dozens." True , and i can do this with A6 ,

"you've been using mostly C-style syntax for as long as you've been using C-script. seriously, take a good look at Lite-C. there's almost no difference to current C-script projects." So i can do without Lite-C

"that first bit doesn't even make sense. lite-C is good. if it isn't much use to you, too bad. but that doesn't stop it from being good and if those who can use it are stupid, what does that make you?"
Sure , it's good , but so is C-Script

"pro's way more expensive than A7 comm. some of us can't afford it."
Still dont see how thats an actual upgrade to the engine , other than a licensing change.

"things like "Sphere 2, intense X , Seed_IT, Dyna_Lights, and Ice_X editor" specifically cater to certain needs which many users don't require."
I can assure you most people would benefit a lot more from those plugins than from Lite-C. I can assure you everyone would vote on having a gamestudio with all those plugins integrated is way way better than what A7 is now , and if you dont agree , then your a complete mongol. This things should already be implemented in gamestudio , we arer paying more for the suite with tools than just the engine , how many free engines are out there right now ? If we are going to have to make all this plugins ourselves we might was well just get a free engine , and develop all the tools for it. Thats the point , gamestudio has always been this cool easy to use engine , I just A7 was going to be way way more user friendly and upgraded , both engine and user interface. I mean , we've all complaied about all this things before , but no one seems to listen.