
"on this forum you usually are expected to support your ideas with facts. even the most respected members of this forum are expected to."
Thats only your opinion , and you didnt include any facts in there to back it up.

who's head's up their arse again? you argued that A7 is no improvement over A6, and i responded by listing actual improvements in A7 over A6 -- those are factual. i also pointed out features that are being made right now for A7 and not A6 -- unless Conitec is lying, those are factual.

and adoado makes a good point.


Just like withoguht programmers you cant make a game you cant make it withought artists either

yeh u can. procedural stuff. usually not on a professional scale, but adoado's point is more valid than yours.


Last edited by JulzMighty; 09/04/07 09:19.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!