Hey man, sorry I didn't reply to your PM sooner, and the reply I did send was kind of lame. I've been learning how to program in C# the past couple days and it's taking all my focus (and energy) so I didn't really have a good answer for you.

Here are my two thoughts on this.

1. I have never tried to do what you are doing with weapons, i.e. scale a model to a certain size instead of move it to a certain point. The reply I sent you mentioned vec_dist(), which I know you'll need to use, but I honestly have no idea how to scale a model on its X axis so that it spans a certain number of quants. All I know is my.scale_x = ?. I'm not even sure if this is entirely possible, which leads to my next thought.

2. I don't think using a model is the best way to be doing this. You can write a particle function that does the same thing as what you're trying to do with a model, and frankly using particles would probably be a lot faster and look a lot cooler as well.

So, there ya go. That's another reason why I wasn't being too reply-happy; you stumped me.

But seriously. I'd download EasyParticle 3 or look at the template particle scripts and get an idea of how to write a particle function to do what you're trying to do. Unless you NEED a model, in which case, well... yeah.

So there ya go. God bless.