Ok nevermind about the macros, I found a better solution:

typedef DWORD COLORREF; //unnecessary, but for being more similar to the msdn examples
typedef struct _CHOOSECOLOR{
long lStructSize;
long hwndOwner;
long hInstance;
char rgbResult[4];
COLORREF *lpCustColors;
long Flags;
long lCustData;
long lpfnHook;
char* lpTemplateName;
DWORD __stdcall ChooseColor (DWORD); //function prototype

If the rgbResult member is defined as a char array, the bytes of the rgb value structure (0x00BBGGRR or sth. like that) will be seperated automatically. No need for the macro functions then.

Last edited by RedPhoenix; 09/01/07 21:39.