hooray! i love this and the person who made it! btw i found a way to smooth out the frame rate when implementing this into your game. its an exert from the display00.wdl script
var fps_max = 75;

// entry: FPS MIN
// entry: Minimum frame per second (FPS)
// cntl: spin 1 x 1
// id: 8
var fps_min = 4;

// enable: FPS Lock
// help: Lock time step to maximum frame per second (FPS)
// id: 9
var fps_lock = OFF;

// entry: Smoothing
// help: Average the last couple of frames to reduce "jerks"
// help: 0 = no smoothing, 0.5 = 2 frames, 0.99 = 10 frames
// id: 54
var time_smooth = 0.99;
just place that at the top of your script and it'll be fine

-Initiate Games
-Level designer
