The weighting does work now, thank you for that. But still the problem of model rotation remains as can be seen in MED screen captures posted by taratoga1. What I mean is that when the model is imported it's sideways on the ground, but when you hit the animate button it turns 90 degrees to standing position (and so do the bones - tested with my own and taratoga1's fbx-files).

This is not a big problem with "regular" animations, but when you want to combine multiple animations with anm_add it is, since the bones rotations are calculated in reference to the state of the model before hitting animate in MED.

A simple example: if the animated tube in taratoga's picture would be combined with anm_add with another animation of the tube facing up, the tube would end up sideways. That's because in each animation starting with the tube upwards it would initially have 90 degree rotation and two of such would of course add up to 180 degrees.

So, a solution would be nice since at the moment it's impossible to combine 3ds max imported animations succesfully. A more or less temporary solution would be the possibility to define certain animation frame as the reference frame for the bones rotations.

Ps. I have tried to rotate my models and their bones before and after fbx import and export, but nothing works for the problem.