It's a curse alright...

Hello everyone,

I did stop the progress on IntenseX, but not because i gave up on it, but cause I spent the last 6 weeks in a hospital.

Two months ago i bought a new bike, cause my last one got stolen (it was a piece of junk anyway). So i bought this beauty, brand new. While I was breaking in the engine at some mountain place i've never been before, i went overly excited trying to take the turns as fast as possible, got into the opposite lane and got struck with a Polo, with me ending up on the car's windscreen and finally on the street a few meters further. Luckily I was wearing a helmet, but my right feet got crashed pretty good and i had to have two surgeries to get it fixed, and i'm still due for one more surgery in a month from now. Now, i'm just lying around the house here and there, trying to figure out ways to sit on my computer desk and all that..

For what is worth, here's some pics of me and my foot. Not pretty, but it sure made me think twice about driving like a madman, so it may work on someone else in here as well..

So what happens from this point.. I lost my part time job on an internet cafe (i needed that to pay for the bike, which i'm now trying to sell), there's a good chance i'm losing the contract made for Mother's den due to lack of communication the last 6 weeks, i'll be stuck at home for 3-6 months before i can walk again, and the only thing i got left now is.. IntenseX . I never gave up on it, i would be crazy, it IS done.. i just thought i'd make it compatible with A7 and the new templates before releasing, but whatever.. i'll think things through again, and maybe i'll just try to release whatever i can as soon as possible, as it has been a while since last update. I just took a peek on conitec's feature page and the A7 templates are still on 80%, so i won't delay IntenseX even more, waiting for that to get finished.

Finally, while i was in the hospital, my website and domain expired, so i lost the site and my email address, which i'm getting back again in a few days. I just want to apologise to all IntenseX customers for the lack of support these last 6 weeks, and if someone requested a new serial key that I couldn't deliver. I'll do what I can to get everything back on track as soon as possible, and i'll make a fresh start on getting all IntenseX editions released. I'm never giving up on this project, and i will get this done no matter what happens next..

Thanks everyone for your big patience,

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